Friday, February 26, 2010

The worst budget ever given by any government

Budget given by finance minister Pranab Mukharjee was of worst standard this year.He said in his statement due to some crisis they are forced to increase the cost of petrol and diesel,if that is the case they are always forced to do somthing or other then they are not supposed to rule our country.As he knows well our country people are fighting from monetary problem,but yet he decided to increase our difficulty in controlling price rise.He doesnt feels the expensivism because he is well paid,i say let him be paid Rs15000/month and ask him to manage a month with his family and then reply me back what happens.He is not thinking of middle class family.
He said in his statement that he is increasing job opportunities for rural people,then what abaout student studying in towns and cities as he knows well after recession their are meagre job opportunities for student and after all he said abt rural people as if he will pay from himself,he must have thought about unemployed people.

so i request you to see these two point and reviewed and re presented.