Wednesday, August 13, 2008

"Top Ten Scientists Of India"

1.Dr.R.A.Maselkar-He was director general(Sc.G) of CSIR,and a noble prize winner.
Mission-"To provide scientific industrial R&D that maximises the economic, environmental and societal benefits for the people of India. "
2.Dr.A.P.J Abdul Kalam-renowned president and scietist(Sc.G) of india and a award winner at NASA.
Mission-nuclear weapons development in india.

CFRI celebrated its foundation day. Dr. H.S. Maiti, Director(Sc.G), CGCRI delivered lecture on “Fuel Cell- an ecofriendly power generating device”. Prof. B.B. Bhattacharya, Director, ISM also graced the occasion.

Mission-development of indian fuel cell.
4.Dr.Ashok Chandra-Third CEERI Golden Jubilee lecture was delivered by Prof. Ashok Chandra, Chairman, ECIL on `Technology Imperatives of socio-economic development.’
Mission-indian socio economic development.
5.Prof.S.K.Joshi-Prof. S.K. Joshi, former DG,CSIR delivered CSIR foundation day lecture entitled `CSIR: 60 Years Behind and 60 Years Ahead’ at NCL.
Mission-chemical development of india.
6.Prof Goverdhan Mehta-
Director-Indian Institute of Science,Bangalore
Mission-he developed kinetic and mechanistic work studying acid phosphatase and aminoacyl-tRNA synthase.

7.Dr.A.J.Verma-NCL laboratory renowned scientist.
Mission-development of sugar complexes in india
8.Dr.Dhananjay kr.Pandey-Renowned prof.and scientist of iit bhu.
Mission-projects on nano works development.
9.Dr.Abhik Mitra-appointed Managing Director of TNT India.
Mission-India's nano works development.
10.Shree A.R.Singh-Assistant director at CFRI My dad.
Mission-organic&R&Dworks development in india.